Trauma Mama Daily Affirmation Day 2

Being on time to work/school/doctor appointments/birthday parties/family get togethers is not worth damaging my connection with my child.

This was tested this morning by Mr. Sleepy Head Super Slow Mo. Hubs and I both kept our usual nagging in check. We just focused on breathing while T plodded through getting ready for school at his own pace. This means Hubs and I will both be late to work.

But I got a hug and an "I love you" and a "See you later alligator," on the little guy's way out the door. Most definitely better to be late for work and connected to our child than on time for work and all of us reeling from feeling emotionally beat up.

Tomorrow we will just get him up earlier.


  1. Can I just add that this is such a struggle for us? Some days he's super-slow. But then some days he's lightning fast, which gets him ready 30 minutes before it's time to leave. Those days can actually be more problematic, because more time equals more opportunities to either get into trouble or find something to have a tantrum about. I feel like I can't win.

  2. I hear you. We have the same issue. Some days he's sitting on the bench, all bundled up with no place to go, grumbling about how he's ready and no one else is.

  3. I am loving these affirmations, and you are only on day 2! Thank you so much for sharing these with all of us. Can't wait to see what else you've got.

  4. A hug, an 'I love you' AND a 'see you later alligator'? High five!


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