Just to Capture You Inside a Rhyme

Two diametrically opposed videos, as I reminisce today, for different reasons.

First of all, third grade. The Monkees. I was so jealous not to have a Monkees lunchbox. Davy Jones was the dreamiest. And that cute accent too! I was going to marry him when I grew up, even if it meant arm wrestling a million or so other girls for that right. So here's to Davy, for being fun and having fun. Wherever you are, all the female angels are swooning right now:

Davy Jones and the Monkees: Daydream Believer

Secondly, the Syracuse New Times, our local weekly arts and entertainment newspaper, featured a story recently on a radio program called "Wax Museum." A bunch of guys show up each week with their old vinyl in hand and program the show from those records. One of the records featured in the accompanying photo was none other than a STARZ album! Ahhh, Richie Ranno, lead guitarist. My second favorite guitar player in the world -- for the reason described below, S being first of course, ever since we became an item.

I used to see Richie on a regular basis in a former life. Back when I was approaching 40, but still thin with strong, shapely legs, and could wear a mini-skirt -- and did, Richie waited until my then-and very jealous-husband was out of the room, walked up to me, looked me up and down the way men do to hot chicks, and said, "You! Are like a fine wine. You get better and better with age."

Be still my heart!  Richie Ranno, whose band had a top 40 hit, who opened for KISS, and who still has quite the cult following, flirted with me, and I wasn't some young twenty-something thing! That was one "I might be getting old, but I'm still HOT" compliment. Yep, he was tops on my list for guitarists until S came along. S also thinks I am like a fine wine, even when I am feeling like a stout beer.

So here's a trip down the Richie Ranno and Starz memory lane, even though having it in the same blog posting as a Monkees tune couldn't be more surreal:

Starz: Cherry Baby


  1. My conspicuous little family went to a mall today, and I all I could think was 'Here we come/ walking down the street/ get the funniest looks from/ everyone we meet'.

    I think Davy would appreciate the surrealism of the combo in your post.

  2. Richie's sentiment was spot on, and still is. A fine wine indeed, My Love!


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