First Day of Kindergarten

I've been so negligent in posting photos of T's first day of kindergarten. I don't have a smart phone that uploads directly to facebook, or that allows me to email photos to myself, so I'm always a bit behind. And his first day of school was also the day we had to bring Digger to the vet to be put down, so it's was a day of mixed emotions for me. 

Here he is with Daddy:

And here is is waiting under the garage overhang for the bus and Tropical Storm Lee dumped on us. This is the second year in a row that the first day of school was yucky and rainy. I envy the parents who can take outside photos of their kids on the first day of school. Maybe next year for us.

That's his "Whey the bus not coming?" look. Once it got here, he flew onto it without so much as a hug or kiss goodbye. He was one excited kid. No crying on the first day of kindergarten for him. He's been ready since January!


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