Words of Comfort

When a loved one passes, there is so little that words can do to "make it better." Mostly it's not the words, but just knowing that others grieve with you that bring comfort.

I personally find little solace in funeral services that focus on the fact that the deceased "is in a better place" or "is with Jesus now." I just don't know that we can know that. I always find myself thinking, "Well, maybe he/she is…."

But these words were posted on the Facebook page of a friend who recently lost her husband and father to their two young children. I can't think of a better way to honor and remember someone whose passing has left an unfill-able hole in one's life.

"Now that I'm gone, 
remember me with a smile and laughter. 
And if you need to cry, 
cry with your brother or sister 
Who walks in grief beside you. 
And when you need me, 
put your arms around anyone 
and give to them what you need to give to me. 
There are so many who need so much. 
I want to leave you something. 
Something much better than words or sounds. 
Look for me in the people I've known and loved 
or helped in some special way. 
Let me live in your heart as well as your mind. 
You can love me most by letting your love 
reach out to our loved ones. 
By embracing them and living in their love. 
Love does not die, 
people do. 
So, when all that's left of me is love, 
give it away as best you can." 
- Author Unknown 

"So, when all that's left of me is love,
give it away as best you can."

Peace to all who are grieving now, who have grieved, and who will grieve. May you find comfort in passing your loved one's love on to others.


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