Blackjack Kerouac

Four years ago tomorrow, on Aug. 13, I lost my constant companion and head-warmer, Blackjack (June 1990 - Aug. 13, 2007). I don't think I will ever get over it. He was The King of all cats and my best friend. His favorite spot, except for summer, was next to me in bed, under the covers, with his head on the pillow. Her arrived on Halloween night, a scared thin, flea-bitten kitten running down the street, meowing pitifully. Worried for a black cat's safety on Halloween, I took him in, intending to find a home for him. Hah. He was so incorrigible that I feared that any home that took him in would put him out on the street again. He was the most maniacal kitten I'd ever had. But what a great spirit. There was something very special about him. He was everyone's favorite cat -- even his vet grabbed him off the table one time, swung him around in her arms and said, "I love this cat!"

He was also Kia's constant companion. I took her in, intending to find a home for her -- familiar theme in this house -- but he took to her after one initial "who the heck are you?" hiss. She was the kitten he'd always wanted. He kept her clean and warm and safe. How could I take her away from him? Sigh. Another cat was here to stay.

And of course, Kia had arrived in tandem with her brother, Ranger, and I couldn't separate siblings, so he was here to stay too. He's little in this photo (on the right) but eventually grew to match BJ's size, as BJ got smaller in his old age, after topping out at 17 pounds of a non-overweight cat. It could be difficult at times to tell them apart at first glance. Ranger was a pesky little brother, but BJ tolerated him, letting him know his place simply with his I'm The King presence. He tolerated all the animals that came to our house -- including dogs and bunnies. He actually really liked dogs. And was often found sleeping in the bunny cage.

They are all the Best Cat Ever, but he earned a place in my heart that will never be filled again. The bigger the love, the bigger the loss, and we shared such a special bond. He is always with me, but I sure miss sharing our days together. Head bumps.


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