Tofurkey Day Race Training Strategy

Training for my triathlons through the crappy weather that was this summer, I trained for any race day weather eventuality. Biking through car wash-like downpours. Arriving home from a run just ahead of a microburst that took our power out for 11 hours. Getting to a group training venue only to have it cancelled due to thunderstorms. Cycling through rain that was being blown so hard it felt like sleet. Open water swimming through choppy water that challenged one's ability to take a breath before the next wave slapped one's face.

When you're training for a triathlon, you don't really have the option to wait for nice weather. Plus if you train in bad weather, you're prepared to race in bad weather. Not that it will be fun, but you know you can do it.

As it turned out, I had beautiful conditions for both races.

My take away is: train for bad weather and you'll trick Mother Nature into giving you a rare surprisingly good day.

Utilizing that strategy, I've been preparing for my Thanksgiving Day race by running in wind, snow, and cold. I'm also figuring that since we won't be running in the Syracuse area this year, our odds of running through nine inches of fresh white powder while it continues to fall are probably considerably lessened. I'm thinking that since I'm preparing for winter, maybe we'll get a nice autumn day -- with sun even.

Although there could be a nor'easter. I'll bring my ski socks, gloves, balaclava, and goggles just in case. Because I've probably just jinxed myself.

Tri #1: So sunny that the guy on the bench is shading his eyes.  


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