Time's Winged Chariot Hurrying Near

I recently received our annual post-placement report reminder from our adoption agency. Every year we have to file a report with the Ethiopian government updating them on T and how he is doing. For us, it falls in February. When I received the reminder, I thought, "Okay, it's January; maybe I'll get it done before the end of February this year."

Except it arrived in February. I can't explain where January went -- it's just gone. And I'm still working on last year's post-placement report. So close to being finished, but stymied by a lack of both black and color ink in the printer. Once I can print out the final set of photos, I'm ready to put that one in the mail. and then I can start on the one that's due by the end of this month. Which is seven days away.

And there's a birthday party tomorrow, which means birthday gift shopping today. And a bathroom that's being remodeled. And I'm still one-point-five people at work, getting paid for 35 hours. Yeah, I work for free a lot.

And a birthday party next weekend -- reminder to self: buy both gifts today. And a fundraiser with all orders due back at school on Monday. And oh yeah, there's that little thing about getting a social security number for T, so we can actually file our taxes this year, not to mention the whole tax filing thing. And then a passport and a certificate of citizenship for T.

And YSD's 15th birthday, and then Hubs's, and then a niece's, and then three sisters' and mine -- the four of ours falling within a three-day span. And thank you notes still to be written and mailed out from T's birthday party.

And a Shamrock run for Hubs and T -- also next weekend -- and swim lessons start up again next week and YSD's musical is in two weeks and oh yeah, I still need to get in for that x-ray to try to figure out why my hip is so painful -- now that it's been 11 months since the onset of the pain.

I'm off from work today, but I sent T in to daycare so I could do some of this. So much for quality time together on his winter break. I sent him in yesterday too. And for two hours on Wednesday so Hubs and I could pick out tile and a vanity without a small child along whining, "This is boring," every five seconds.

No wonder I can't de-clutter my kitchen table. I can't de-clutter my life!

No more Angry Birds until this year's post-placement report is filed. There. That should take care of Lent too. Nothing like killing two (angry) birds with one stone. And note how late I am on the Lent thing!


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