Pretty Flowers

These are my neighbor's flowers that I snuck (sneaked? I never know which word to use any more -- I grew up saying snuck, not sneaked; and dove, not dived; and now these words just don't seem to exist -- did they never exist? Snuck is in the dictionary, but shows up here as a misspelling and you never hear it or read it in the media....but I digress) over to take photos of. Because they're so pretty. I would plant some along my gazebo so they would adorn it each year, but the gazebo is falling apart. Until we decide what to do about that, the gazebo gets annual morning glories. Which  I hope to have photos of soon. They've been blooming, but I just haven't gotten out there with the camera.

These were my front stoop flowers. Until T stopped remembering them in his daily watering rounds, which I have to admit, grew exponentially from a few plants to dozens. Now this is a container of brown sticks and leaves, probably irritating the neighbors to no end. Oh well, we'll go to the garden store and find something else. Is it too early for mums?


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