Questions that Break my Heart

 A portion of T's matchbox car collection, which he would very much like to share with his siblings back in 'topia.

We're working on some foamboard cars to send to T's siblings in Ethiopia (since we can't send matchbox cars). He wanted to write his sister's name on the back of hers.
Me: They won't be able to read English.
T: Why not?
Me: Because they don't speak English. Did you speak English when you were there?
T: No.
Me: Well, that's why.
T: But they not need a new mommy and daddy and they learn English like me?
Me: No, they don't need a new mommy and daddy.
T: Why they not need a new mommy and daddy?

I want to say it's because he showed the most promise, but I don't want him to hate school for being the reason he got separated from his family. These are the times that try adoptive mommies' souls. Thankfully some distraction interrupted the conversation. In the meantime, I need to start working on that answer. I wonder if "Because they knew you would like the cars and motorcycles the best" will work for now. I honestly don't know why just T and no one else. We've asked and not received a response. Maybe that's the best answer. Where's the book on this?


  1. Kerri at "Creating our Joy" has a post you might like:
    I'm sorry you haven't gotten a response yet from T's family.

  2. Karen,
    I read this post and my heart broke. We have adopted older siblings, 10 and 6. Home for about a month now. They too have siblings in Ethiopia which our oldest misses a lot. In fact, just a few days ago our younger boy was talking about them and Asart got upset, and said "Asart no brothers in Ethiopia" and within 30 seconds he was crying. As you have experienced firts hand, that heartbreak is so unbearably tragic, and as Mommies we wish scooping them up and loving them were enough but that type of wound runs far to deep. My prayers are with your T and your family.

    If you'd like to follow along on our journey my blog is



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