My Favorite Roses
It's been a brutally hot summer -- so not much time being spent inside writing blog postings. I have several started in my head, but can't quite get to them. Odd, since I'm out of triathlon commission with two bad knees, you'd think I would have lots of spare time, but I don't know what I've done with it. So, in the absence of being able to put thought to paper, I'm sharing some photos of some of my favorite flowers. I don't know their official name, but I call them Cape Cod roses. Some are light pink, like the ones in the top photo. Some are fuchsia-leaning, like these. I love that they grow so freely -- sprawling along fence rails and beach paths. They grow in abundance with no pruning, fertilizing, or pesticides. They just grow. And look pretty. And, a boat in the background for authenticity. Enjoy! I'm probably going to be on hiatus during the Olympics. I'm hoping it will be fun to watch the track and field events with T...